Answer a few questions about your tax situation, and upload tax docs securely
We'll connect you with vetted tax experts who matches your needs
If you have questions, connect 1:1 on video, call or email anytime
Your tax expert will prepare the returns. Just review and approve your return from anywhere.
Get your maximum tax refund deposited directly into your bank—quick, easy, and hassle-free!
Get Started for Free20+ yrs of exp.
6+ yrs of exp.
10+ yrs of exp.
Schedule a 1:1 as needed,
personalized to your case
Tax filing is the process of submitting your income and financial information to the IRS to calculate taxes owed or refunds due. With iNRI, this process becomes seamless and stress-free.
The federal tax filing deadline for 2025 is expected to be April 15th. However, it’s always best to check for updates or changes to avoid late penalties.
The best online tax filing services, like iNRI, simplify the process by pairing you with licensed tax professionals who handle your filing accurately and efficiently.
iNRI offers up-to-date guidance and expert services to ensure your tax filing complies with 2025 regulations, helping you maximize deductions and avoid errors.